About us
Elena Pampliega
Founder & Executive Director
Pampliega & Associats

More than 20 years working in strategy related to corporate and brand communication and CSR has given me great insight into reputation management, with a global, strategic vision that adds long-term value.
Coherence is everything. Our actions define us much more than our words but we’re also defined by our attitude, the approach that helps us to achieve our successes and handle our threats. Commitment, loyalty, honesty and a passion for our work are all great allies in tackling a challenging world.
“I believe in the talent of each individual, in the value of each project and in the strength of the team to create and evolve.”
Agustí Garcia Puig
Pampliega & Associats

After graduating in Economics from the University of Barcelona, I started my career auditing large accounts. In 1995, I began a new chapter in Andorra working in the public administration as Chief of Staff of the Minister of Finance of the Government of Andorra, with the responsibility of preparing the general State budget and coordinating the development of the fiscal regulatory framework.
As for the private sector, I have been for 20 years the director of the Technical General Secretariat area of the first Andorran financial group, reporting directly to the CEO. As a manager of one of the most important companies in the country, I have been responsible for regulatory compliance, legal services, its Foundation, corporate communication and institutional relations. In 2019 I joined P&A as a partner, understanding that communication is one of the guidelines that gives meaning to the strategy of organizations.
“Communication must be taken care of and approached from a global perspective, aligned with the general objectives“
David Campos Callao
Associate Advisor
Pampliega & Associats

Telecommunications engineer by UPC and URL Universities, Quality and Organisational Direction postgraduate by ASQ. MBA in ESADE University, postgraduate in Agile projects Direction in Juan Carlos I University, and postgraduate in IA applied to human resources and the future of work by Rutgers University.
HrAgileInstitute Founding Partner, it is a consultancy specialized in accompanying organizations and their teams to develop agile organizations following the science of #Flow.
Professor, lecturer, and independent advisor, nowadays CEO and Founder of Science4Tech Solutions, a Health Tech start-up newly created with the launching of MatchTrial solution. First technological solution that facilitates the access to patients and doctors to all European cancer trials reducing recruitment times.
More than 25 years of professional career in positions as General Director, Human Resources and Organization, Quality and Process Improvement in national and multinational organizations from different sectors: engineering, large consumption, automobile, science, IT and Health (GTD, TeleTech, Codorniu, VW Group Retail).
“Communication and innovation need to fit hand in hand to get flexible organisations and a new corporate culture in times of change ”
Montse Buil Rovira
Head of Communication Area
Pampliega & Associats

With a degree in Political Science and Administration and Journalism from Pompeu Fabra University, I have worked as a journalist for more than 10 years in different Catalan and Andorran media and then made the jump to corporate communication. For a decade, I have been head of PR for the country’s tourism promotion agency, coordinating the strategy of corporate communication in Andorra and neighboring countries, content planning on social networks and the organization and coordination of events cultural and sports.
At Pampliega&Associats I start a new chapter as head of the Communication area from the perspective of business strategy applied to corporate communication, all the while contributing my professional background to contribute to the purpose of creating solid voices and unique identities from the maximum honesty and professional rigor.
“Communicating is as necessary as breathing. Information must flow not only internally but also, it must be an open channel to society to convey the company’s reason for being.”
Laura Pampliega Tena
Head of Marketing Area
Pampliega & Associats
I have spent the majority of my professional career in retail and luxury good marketing. I have had the opportunity to work with renowned and prestigious international companies such as EPSON and PUIG, as well as other companies such as Grupo Hevige. For more than 20 years, I have been focused on the perfume and cosmetics sector working with brands such as Jean Paul Gaultier, Paco Rabanne, Carita or Décleor. In different roles as a Marketing manager, I was responsible for managing the marketing of leading brands at the Spanish level but also part of a multinational team to manage an international brand at a global level.
The coordination of large marketing campaigns on an international scale is always a challenge, however, the conceptualization and strategy of brand value is the basis that will guide any campaign.
Communication is key to reaching a common goal. A shared strategy between marketing and communication can get big projects off the ground and can undoubtedly change the direction of companies